En sista kvartett/One last quartet, 19-26 February 2021.

The exhibition commemorates the late Swedish playwright Lars Norén (1944-2021), famous for his bourgeois family tragedies. Usually these plays consist of four characters, hence the title One last Quartet. The exhibition showcases paintings, sculptures and installations from four contemporary artists; Tova Mozard, Anders Widoff, Leif Holmstrand and Isak Sundström. The works are combined and installed to create a kind of scenography that reflects the human drama that in turn activates and completes them.

En sista kvartett/One last quartet
Tova Mozard Leif Holmstrand Isak Sundström Anders Widoff
Exhibition dates 19-26 February
c/o Sotheby´s Sturegatan 24
Open daily 1 - 4 pm


Vera Frisén - Gothenburg


Vera Frisén - Air